Conference Program
The 14th International Public Health Conference among
Greater Mekong Sub-regional Countries
Program - Pre conference workshops
Day 0 – 27th June, 2024
Room 1 Namkhong 1
8:00-8:45 am Registration
8:45-12:00 am Workshop I:
Tools and methods for assessing food safety 
Dr. Leah Thompson and P Sipes, Purdue University.
12:30-13:30 pm Lunch break
13:30-16:00 pm Workshop II:
Understanding and studying food environments
Dr. Ramya Ambikapathi, MHS PhD, Senior Research Associate. Fellow, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.
Room 2 Namkhong 2
8:00-8:45 am Registration
8:45-12:00 am Workshop III:
Survey Design

Dr. Kate Eddens, PhD, MPH Associate Research Scientist Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Indiana University School of Public Health Bloomington.

Dr. Susmita Ghosh Graduate Research Assistant Department of Public Health Department of Nutrition Science, Purdue University.

12:30-13:30 pm Lunch break
13:30-16:00 pm Workshop IV:
Applying for Graduate Study in the U.S.A
Prof. Dr. Gerald E. ShivelyAssociate Dean and Director of International Programs in Agriculture, Purdue University.
Room 3 Namkhan
8:00-8:45 am Registration
8:45-12:00 am Workshop V:
Learning Health Public Systems: an example of Laos immunization program

Prof. Fiona Murdoch, Melbourne University.

Prof. Nigel Crawford, Head of the Immunisation service at the Royal Children’s Hospital; Chair of ATAGI.

12:30-13:30 pm Lunch break
13:30-16:00 pm Workshop VI:
Learning Health Public Systems: an example of Laos immunization program

Prof. Fiona Murdoch, Melbourne University.

Prof. Nigel Crawford, Head of the Immunisation service at the Royal Children’s Hospital; Chair of ATAGI.

Room 3 Le Salon
8:00-8:45 am Registration
8:45-12:00 am Workshop VII:
Introduction to statistical methods for nutrition and health research
Dr. Nilupa Gunaratna Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Purdue University.
12:30-13:30 pm Lunch break
13:30-16:00 pm Workshop VIII:
Pitfalls in regression analysis & Measurement Error in Nutrition and Public Health Research.

Dr. Roger S. Zoh Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics / School of Public Health, Indiana University Bloomington.

Dr. Carmen D. Tekwe Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Indiana University.


Workshop [1]: 8.45-12.00 AM
“Tools and methods for assessing food safety”

Leah. Thompson
Graduate Student, Department of Animal Sciences Purdue University Purdue University


Patricia Sipes
Program Administration Specialist, International Programs in Agriculture Purdue University

This learning session focuses on enhancing skills in the area of food safety through a GMS-centered lens. Topics to be covered include a review of sources and consequences of food safety as well as basic preventative food safety measures that can be adapted to diverse environments. This session will be of particular value and use to anyone who is interested in public health research related to the relationship between food safety and malnutrition and methods that mitigate health risks from unsafe food practices.

Workshop [2]: 13.30-16.00 PM
“Understanding and studying food environments”

Ramya Ambikapathi
Senior Research Associate, Department of Global Development Cornell University

This learning session focuses on developing a better understanding the overall context in which food choices and consumption decisions and demand occur. Topics to be covered include social cultural, economic and geographic dimensions of local food systems, and the range of production and marketing activities that influence diets. This session will be of particular value to students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in learning how to better understand, characterize, measure and analyze food environments for nutrition and public health research and for understanding policy options for improving nutrition and health.

Workshop [3]: 8.45-12.00 AM
“Survey Design”
Roger Zoh

Associate Professor of Public Health Indiana University Bloomington.

Kate Eddens

Associate Research Scientist, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Indiana University School of Public Health Bloomington

This learning session focuses on enhancing skills in the area of survey design and methods. Topics to be covered include designing the right survey for your audience, using psychometrics to select existing measures, adapting measures for your audience, question and response design, methods of administration, and population sampling. This session will serve as an overview to survey design and will include exercises to apply concepts. This session will be of particular value to students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in collecting primary data through survey methods. Attendees are welcome to bring survey instruments in development.

Workshop [4]: 13.30-16.00 PM
“Nutrition Needs and a Changing Climate: Pathways, Evidence and Action”

Prof. Dr. Gerald Shively
Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in Agriculture Professor of Agricultural Economics Purdue University

This learning sessions focuses on preparation for and application to graduate study in the United States. Topics to be covered include application materials, deadlines, English language proficiency, letters of recommendation, selection criteria, funding, and overall strategies to improve success. This session will be of value and use to those planning to apply to M.S. and Ph.D. programs in the U.S.

Workshop [5-6]:
“Learning Health Public Systems: an example of immunisation program”

Professor Fiona Russell
is a paediatrician, epidemiologist and vaccine researcher, Director of the Child and Adolescent Health PhD Program, University of Melbourne; and Group Leader for Asia-Pacific Health research, MCRI.


Professor Nigel Crawford
BMBS, FRACP (Paediatrics), MPH (Distinction), PhD, Head of the Immunisation service at the Royal Children’s Hospital; Chair of he Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI).

“Learning Health Public Systems: an example of immunisation program” This workshop will focus on the importance of learning public health systems using immunisation policy as an example. We will provide an overview of the WHO Global NITAG Network resources for evidence-based immunisation policy recommendations, and discuss how to translate immunisation research to help inform immunisation policy and practice. We will provide a practical session on how to write policy briefs and discuss other advocacy materials.” To whom: Senior Academics, PhD Students, Post Graduate Students, Freelance Researchers, Individuals involved or interested in public health research, public health and immunisation policy makers, those interested in immunisation research for policy making.

Workshop [7]: 8.45-12.00 AM
“Introduction to statistical methods for nutrition and health research”

Nilupa Gunaratna
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Purdue University.

This learning session focuses on developing an understanding of essential statistical concepts and methods when studying nutrition and public health issues. Topics to be covered include hypothesis testing, t-tests, analysis of variance, and simple linear regression. This session will be of particular value to students, researchers, and practitioners who have had limited prior training in statistics and are interested in building comfort with statistical methods. Examples will emphasize good statistical practice and demonstrate use of statistical software.

Workshop [8]: 13.30-16.00 PM
“Pitfalls in regression analysis & Measurement error in public health research”

Roger Zoh
Indiana University


Carmen Tekwe
Indiana University

This learning session focuses on statistical concepts and enhancing skills in the area of quantitative methods and data analysis. In the first part, topics to be covered include regression analysis and pitfalls or statistical errors prevalent when adjusting for covariates in observational studies. The second part will introduce participants to the concept of measurement error. Participants will be introduced to different types of errors and measurement errors that often occur in observational studies. Some of the topics to be covered include sources of measurement error in public health data and observational studies, types of measurement error, consequences of measurement errors in statistical analysis, and how to adjust and correct for biases due to measurement errors. Examples from nutrition and public health will be provided. This session will be of particular value and use to students/researchers/etc. who are interested in the analysis of observational data collected in public health research.

Conference Program
Day 1 – 28th June, 2024
8:00-8:45 am Registration Room
8:45-9:15 Opening and Welcome
9:15-10:30 Plenary session I:
Speaker 1: “Food safety and Food Environment” - Prof. Dr. Gerald E. Shively
Speaker 2: “Chances and challenges of large scale food fortificatiob (LSFF)” - Prof. Florian Schweigert
Namkhong Hall
10:30-10:50 Coffee break & Poster View
10:50-12:30 Plenary session II:
Speaker 3: Climate change and Adaptation- Tentative Regional WHO
Speaker 4: Climate and Nutrition
Namkhong Hall
12:30-13:30 Lunch and Poster View
13:30-15:00 Parallel session I-V 5 meeting rooms
15:00-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-16:45 Parallel Session VI-X 5 meeting rooms
Dean’s Meeting
18:30-21:00 Welcome dinner at Lanxang Hall, Phanluang village, Luanprabang Province
Day 2 – 29th June, 2024
8:30-10:00 Plenary session II:
Speaker 5: SDGs linked to Health, Nutrition and Climate Change- WHO
Speaker 6: Health Equity to Health and UHC- Prof. Natasha- from NUS
Namkhong Hall
10:00-10:15 Coffee break & Poster View
10:15-11:00 Panel discussion I:
Need to discuss about topic
Panellists will be 6 Deans of FPH among GMS countries Moderator:
Namkhong Hall
11:00-12:30 Parallel Session XI-XVI 5 meeting rooms
12:30-13:30 Lunch and Poster View
13:30-15:10 Parallel session XVII-XXII 5 meeting rooms
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Closing Namkhong Hall

Key Note Speakers

Comming Soon...

Welcome Dinner
All Participants are invited to attend The Welcome Dinner of
The 14th International Public Health Conference among Greater Mekong Sub-regional Countries
